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About Homeopathy

Homeopathy offers a safe,  non-addictive & non- toxic system of medicine and can be used to treat a wide range of issues – physical, emotional, stress or anxiety based. It can be used to treat infants to the elderly. Remedies are made from plants, minerals as well as animals and the environment. They are administered in tablet or liquid form and dissolved on the tongue. They are pleasant tasting and easy to take. They can also be taken safely alongside prescribed medicine.

Homeopathy is a unique system of natural medicine. It was developed in the 1800’s by a German medical doctor Samuel Hahnemann who discovered that any substance that can make you ill can also be used as a cure. ‘Let like be cured with like’. Anything that can produce symptoms of disease in a healthy person can also be used to cure similar symptoms in a sick person. When a homeopathic remedy is selected to match the patients own individual needs it stimulates the body’s unique resources for healing.

Some common ailments treated effectively are hormonal disturbances, e.g. irregular periods, hot flushes, difficulties in conception. Skin problems, e.g. acne, psoriasis. Respiratory problems, asthma, winter coughs and colds and summer hay fever. Post-Viral conditions. Digestive problems, e.g. acid reflux, constipation and IBS. Homeopathy is very effective for issues connected to stress and anxiety.

Questions about the Efficacy of Homeopathy

Homeopathy research institute link

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