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Shamanic Practice

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Shamanic practice is an ancient, cross-cultural spiritual practice that honours Life in all things. There are time-honoured healing practices that are as relevant today as then in the way Healing Balance can be returned to the person, place or issue. In Shamanism, we are not part of nature - we ARE nature. We mirror what is happening in the natural flow of the environment and when we watch how life dances with us, we learn a great deal about what ebbs and flows within ourselves, in our lives and our Planet.
Shamanic practice and the Shamanic Journey can bring direct revelation and answers to questions as well as healing direction for ourselves and others. We will learn how to ask questions and how to respond to the healing that we are given to bring it into our life.


In the Women’s Shamanic Healing Circles we gather at different times of the year to connect to the Spirit of the season and the individuality and sacredness of the Women’s Circle and community. All of us would have had ancestors on our female line who would have gathered to celebrate and to heal. Meeting in this healing Circle helps us to re-member who we truly are. These Circles reconnect us to this most important part of our nature.

I offer personal shamanic healing consultations.  Sometimes we need the light shone on a particular issue that we find difficult to access on our own.


 I am a Shamanic Practitioner, practising Artist and Homeopath with over 20 years’ experience of working with groups and individuals here and abroad. I see how we can become stuck and disconnected from that spark inside. Shamanic Practice and the Shamanic Journey has brought me healing and offered life changing benefits and blessings. The Shamanic Journey constantly amazes and humbles me. The connection one can have as we step between the worlds is a source of true beauty and revelation. For me, the connection between Shamanic practice and my creative work is the real teacher and it informs my daily life, creative and healing work. I give thanks to all the extraordinary teachers who I have had the pleasure to be with. Over 30 years ago, I , almost by accident, walked into a Shamanic Trance Dance weekend with Leo Rutherford and 'The Centre of Contemporary Shamanism' and I met myself properly and possibly for the 1st time, through the Drum and this started my adventure! Long may it continue!

 When we come together as community in a  Circle we reweave our unique awesome threads into the collective dance of life that honours each and every one of us as we navigate these challenging times.




I offer personal Shamanic Healing Consultations.  Sometimes we need the light shone on a particular issue that we find difficult to access on our own.


 In your Healing session we will explore what you are bringing and ask the relevant questions as I or yourself undertakes a healing Journey and then explore how you can respond to the healing that you are given and bring it into your life. Your session takes place in Adisham however I regularly  undertake Distant healing sessions if appropriate.

If you would like to find out more or book an appointment  please be in touch via the contact page.

On average a consultation takes 3 hours (at £50 per hour which would be £150.)



In the Women’s Shamanic Healing Circles we gather at different times of the year to connect to the Spirit of the season and the individuality and sacredness of the Women’s Circle and community. All of us would have had ancestors on our female line who would have gathered to celebrate and to heal. Meeting in this healing Circle helps us to re-member who we truly are. These Circles reconnect us to this most important part of our nature.

Teaching Circles.

From time to time I run Teaching Circles on different aspects of Shamanic Practice. This could be Shamanic Journeying and Ceremony. Vision Quests.

Please see the Workshop/Events page and sign up for my Seasonal Newsletter.

Healing sessions and Circles take place in a purpose-built straw bale artist’s studio in Adisham near Canterbury, Kent.

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